Anyone who has had some experience with YBR®, wishes to go deeper into their own self-evaluation and possibly become a certified practitioner is welcome to enroll in the Phase 1 part of our certification program. To progress into the second phase of the program an application must be submitted.
The YBR® Certification program encompasses 66 class hours divided into two phases. All classes are accredited by: NCBTMB, Florida State Continuing Education, NATA,PMA, Yoga Alliance and the College of Massage Therapists of British Colombia.
Note: You are not certified to teach after completing Phase 1.
Experiential anatomy lessons are the core of the YBR® curricula. This provides students with the foundation needed to develop confident therapeutic skills. We start you at the beginning feeling your own muscles from origin to insertion. Knowing how to find and feel your own muscles are crucial to problem solving and helping others to heal themselves. Teaching skills are gradually integrated with ongoing study and practice of YBR routines so that students get YBR into their own bodies and they empower their own students and clients to become fixers of their own bodies.
Final Exams:
Additional Fees - Payable directly to the Phase 1 or Phase 2 instructor:
Suggested reading:Body Rolling: An experiential approach to complete muscle release by Yamuna Zake and Stephanie Golden - $20 USD
Note: You have one year to register for phase 2 from the time you complete phase 1. Upon Certification your relationship with us is that of an independent contractor.
The following is required in order for you to maintain in good standing:
Principles & practice
The Posterior Thigh: Hamstrings and External Rotators
The Posterior Calf Muscles
The Back and Spine
The Anterior Thigh: Quadriceps Group
The Anterior Calf: Tibia and Fibula
The Inner Thigh: Adductors
The Anterior Torso
The Chest and Neck Work
Intermediate & Advanced Study: Phase 2A & 2B (48 hours, can be taken in 8 days or 2x 4 days)
Experiential anatomy continued
Variations of basic routines
Advanced routines
Hands-on assists for classroom use and for one-on-one sessions
Teaching techniques and practice
Note that you are not qualified to teach YAMUNA® Body Rolling after completing
Experiential Anatomy/Phase 1
The YBR® Certification program encompasses 66 class hours divided into two phases. All classes are accredited by: NCBTMB, Florida State Continuing Education, NATA,PMA, Yoga Alliance and the College of Massage Therapists of British Colombia.
Note: You are not certified to teach after completing Phase 1.
Experiential anatomy lessons are the core of the YBR® curricula. This provides students with the foundation needed to develop confident therapeutic skills. We start you at the beginning feeling your own muscles from origin to insertion. Knowing how to find and feel your own muscles are crucial to problem solving and helping others to heal themselves. Teaching skills are gradually integrated with ongoing study and practice of YBR routines so that students get YBR into their own bodies and they empower their own students and clients to become fixers of their own bodies.
Final Exams:
- Open Book Written Exam - Multiple Choice, True/False, Short Essay
- Hands-on Assist Practical (1 hour) - You will be asked to perform hands-on assists on the instructor.
- Teaching a class Practical (1 hour) - The instructor gives you the focus class at the time of the exam.
- Each practical is scheduled with the certifying instructor of your choice.
- There is a fee of $100 for each individual practical and that is paid directly to the Certifying Instructor testing you out.
- We ask that your testing, both written and practical, be completed within 1 year after completing Phase 2.
Registration and Agreement Forms:
Click here to download Registration & Agreement forms.
Tuition and Fees
- Phase 1 (18 hours) - $620 USD plus materials fee
- Phase 2 (48 hours) - $1,250 USD plus materials fee
- Intensive (Phase 1 & Phase 2) - $1,650 USD plus materials fee
Additional Fees - Payable directly to the Phase 1 or Phase 2 instructor:
- Phase 1 manual - $25 USD
- Phase 2 manual - $25 USD
- Practitioner Kit - $95
- Silver Ball
- Gold Ball
- Pearl Ball
- Pair of Calf Balls
- Pump
Note: You have one year to register for phase 2 from the time you complete phase 1. Upon Certification your relationship with us is that of an independent contractor.
The following is required in order for you to maintain in good standing:
- Signed Independent Contractor Agreement
- Valid proof of CPR
- Valid proof of insurance listing YZ Studio, Inc. as an additional insured (in U.S.A. only)
- Annual membership dues of $150 will be collected by June of every year. Annual dues are waived for the calendar year in which you are certified.
- Attend a recertification course every two years
- You will be listed on the www.yamunabodyrolling.com website
- Unlimited support in your practice
- Your emailed questions answered within 48 hours
- Frequent emails with information on commonly presented pathologies and how YBR can be used for those clients
- Purchase most YBR products at wholesale prices. Certain guidelines may also apply.
- Access to the Practitioner's Area where you are able to:
- Edit your profile
- List local classes and workshops you are teaching
- Access to the online Newsletter
- Place online orders
- Access blog
Principles & practice
The Posterior Thigh: Hamstrings and External Rotators
The Posterior Calf Muscles
The Back and Spine
The Anterior Thigh: Quadriceps Group
The Anterior Calf: Tibia and Fibula
The Inner Thigh: Adductors
The Anterior Torso
The Chest and Neck Work
Intermediate & Advanced Study: Phase 2A & 2B (48 hours, can be taken in 8 days or 2x 4 days)
Experiential anatomy continued
Variations of basic routines
Advanced routines
Hands-on assists for classroom use and for one-on-one sessions
Teaching techniques and practice
Note that you are not qualified to teach YAMUNA® Body Rolling after completing
Experiential Anatomy/Phase 1