My reason for creating this blog

From speaking with women throughout my 40 years of working with people I have listened to many women during the various stages of their lives struggling with issues and not really finding the answers they were looking for. There are always medical sites that give women information based on studies and science, but this information as I call it “safe” because it has the medical endorsements behind it is very often ineffective leaving women frustrated because they listen and try to do what is recommended and the results just are not good enough.
I have listened to women through all these stages. Very often they have no one to talk with or to share these feelings. They are often embarrassed to discuss their issues with friends or other women. When a woman has to live with a problem in secret with nowhere to turn except her doctor it can be very disheartening and lonely.
I have felt for a long time that there was a need for a safe place for women to share, get information, and learn they are not alone. To find out that other women have the same issues and experiences that you do, and to learn what they are doing about it creates community and it breaks open the possibilities for sharing on almost every topic with other women.
Since There are very important things to discuss on every phase of a woman’s life cycle sections will be created so you can go to the area that is most relevant to you now. Some entries will be for women of all ages and most will target a specific time in the life cycle.
As an older woman who gave birth to my daughter over 37 years ago at home naturally, I have lots of good advice for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum as well as for the peri-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal woman. The longer I live, the more I learn and the more I know it is possible to get better and better in my body, mind and spirit while aging. I believe this is possible for most women if they begin to share honestly and opening with other women what the issues are they are experiencing. The more we stay together and support women at every age, the better younger women can pass through the various natural life cycles. If you suffered through menopause and found your way it is important to share everything that helped you with women who are much younger. As older wiser women it is our job to ease the way for younger women to age more gracefully and to not have to continuously repeat the same life change difficulties that historically most women simply accept. Silence between women just does not work anymore. It never did.
Lou White
November 25 2018
I love your statement of women supporting each other, not tearing each other apart. Bless you.
Sharon Epstein
October 20 2017
Please sign me up… I would love more knowledge and support as I am in early menopause and I feel I have nowhere to turn to discuss and manage the changes in my body.
Yamuna Zake
July 05 2017
Thank you Vanessa. Send this on to other women and let’s grow this idea of talking about everything to help the next generations of women to stop repeating things they do not have to.
May 08 2017
Thank you Yamuna, we NEED more of this! We can change the world by supporting each other!